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Best charging station for home

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The huge range of different charging stations from different brands leaves many people at a loss. Different connections, different charging speeds, the question of whether the optimal charging curve can be achieved and then all the features and functions that you find in modern charging solutions. How do you actually find the best charging station for home? And how does it work when you are looking for the best charging station for home with solar panels? Below you will find all the information you need to determine which charging station you need.

What is the best charging station for home use?

Let's first take a moment to consider what 'the best charging station for home' actually is. There is not just one brand and model that we can tell you here, because every situation is different. The differences are so great that the best charging station for your neighbor can become a nightmare for you. That is why it is good to take the time and compare the models and possibilities, in order to find the best charging station for you at home.

Please note: do you have no place to have a charging station installed, but can you park the car next to a power outlet on your own property? Then the mobile charger is the best solution to charge your electric car at home. Although this is not a charging station, it is the best charging solution for your situation.

Some important things to look out for when comparing

You have probably already found a number of points to look out for when comparing charging stations. To make it easier for you, we have listed the most important points below, so that you can cross off what you have already looked at.

  • The charging station model. Of course, this is highly dependent on where you want to place the charging station. If the charging station is to be placed in a garage, a wallbox is a good option. If the charging station is to be placed along the driveway, a separate charging station (on an actual pole) is the only option.
  • Fixed charging cables or sockets. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. A charging station with a fixed charging cable has its own fixed charging cable in the station. If you choose a charging station with sockets, there is no charging station mounted in the station and you work with loose cables.
  • The plug for the car side. If you choose a charging station with fixed charging cables, the plug for the car side must fit your car. Since you undoubtedly know whether you need a type 1 or type 2 plug, this is a matter of clicking the button in the filter.
  • The capacity of the charging station. A much more difficult point that we often get questions about. The maximum charging speed of the charging station should ideally be higher than the maximum charging speed of the connection to which the charging station is connected. If this is not the case, the charging station itself limits the charging speed, which is far from ideal.

Of course, it is also important to look at the features and functions that you need. In view of the developments, it is wise to choose a smart charging station in any case, because you can charge dynamically and in a balanced way. In concrete terms, this means that you can charge the electric car without other power consumers in the house being bothered by it and you can charge in the cheapest or best way.

Also take your character and preferences into account. Even if you do not always need insight into the charging sessions and charging history, it can be very interesting and fun to have the statistics or to look at the battery percentage of your EV while it is charging at the new charging station. It may cost you a little extra, but if you spend it now, you know for sure that you will not have to look for a charging station again soon because you appear to miss the possibilities.

Taking the future into account is at least as important

With the above, it is not only good to look at your current situation, but also at the future. The best charging station for home at the moment is useful, but if you want to have the connection reinforced or want to re-arrange groups in the near future, if you are planning to build a carport or even look for another electric car, then this will change what the best charging station for home is exactly. Therefore, do not only look at your current situation, but also at the developments in the coming months. This will save you hundreds of euros (or even more).

How do you find the best home charging station with solar panels?

Do you currently have solar panels or do you expect to invest in panels on your roof in the near future? Then it is wise to pay some extra attention to comparing charging stations. There are charging stations that have been specifically developed to work together with solar panels. These charging stations can be directly connected to the solar panel system and are smart charging stations that ensure that the energy from the solar panels can be optimally used to charge the electric car. Many of these best charging stations for home with solar panels also have a much lower minimum capacity. Although that does not sound attractive, it is of great importance in optimizing the return.

Even when the sun is shining moderately, the best home charging station with solar panels ensures that the car is charged. If the charging station were to only kick in at 3.7 kW, then nothing would be charged when the efficiency of the panels on the roof is lower at that time. Of course, you can also simply charge on mains voltage with these charging stations. After all, the sun does not shine every day in a country like the Netherlands.

Have you found the best charging station for your home?

Based on the points above, you have a good idea of ​​what the best charging station is for your home. In our wide range, you can choose the right charging station that you need. We only have charging stations and charging cables from renowned brands, at competitive prices so that you can always count on the best price-quality ratio with us. In addition, we ship your order the same day if you place your order before 5:00 PM.

Can't find the best charging station for your home or would you like us to take a look with you to see if you have indeed found the best solution to charge your electric car at home? Then please contact us. Regardless of whether you are a business or private customer, our team will help you professionally and quickly to find the right charging station for your situation.