The mobile charger is often pushed into a corner where it is seen as a slow alternative to the charging station, which is in all cases the better option. What seems to be forgotten here is that the range of mobile chargers and the quality of these products has increased considerably in recent years. For example, you can also find 11 kW and even 22 kW mobile chargers in our range, which are faster than many charging stations. Although there are of course many catches to this. Can you charge optimally with a mobile charger and if so, how do you do that yourself at home without having to make major investments first?
What exactly does the ideal charging session look like?
Optimal and ideal charging, it is something that is mentioned incredibly often without a critical comment being made. Because what is actually optimal and ideal for you? In the case of a mobile home charger, it is usually about the battery of the electric car being able to be fully charged within a few hours. In most households, the EV has more than enough time for this. After all, it is connected to the charger at around six o'clock when you get home and has to be disconnected again the next morning at seven o'clock, ideally with a battery percentage of 100%.
If this is the situation in your household, you don't have to worry about the ideal or optimal charging session for your electric car with a mobile charger. As long as you have a good socket with a connection to an empty group and a quality mobile home charger, the latter will always be able to fully charge the battery of your electric car during the night, without being a nuisance factor for the rest of the network.
Do you want to calculate how this works out in your situation? Then do the following:
- Take the battery percentage you have left on average at the end of the day.
- Take 100 and subtract the previous answer from it (20% remaining is therefore 100-20=80).
- Multiply this by the total battery capacity of your car (for example 80% for a 60 kWh battery 0.8x60=48).
- Divide this by the number of hours the car can charge (for example 12 hours 48/12=4).
- The previous answer is the minimum number of kW you need to be able to charge per hour to get your EV battery full for the next morning. Chances are you will quickly realize that you don't have to go for an optimal or perfect charging session.
Are you talking about shorter charging sessions, larger battery packs or mobile chargers that need to be used on the road during charging stops at places where there is a connection for the mobile charger? Then the story is different and it is good to pay attention. You can find more information about this below.
Charging curve, charging speed, charging time and connections: unfortunately it won't be easy
If you want to charge the battery of the electric car in a short time with a mobile charger, there are a number of important factors that all (unfortunately) play a major role. You can think of:
- Maximum charging power (of the connection, mobile charger or the electric car: the lowest value determines the maximum speed during charging).
- The charging curve of your electric car (only at higher charging speeds, because at 3.7 kW there is hardly any curve involved in the charging session).
- The conditions under which loading takes place.
- The battery capacity of the electric car.
The last two factors deserve a bit more attention. The circumstances in particular can play a major role. If you connect the mobile charger in freezing cold and the battery of the electric car is not preheated, the charging session will start much slower than usual and the peak power will not be achieved during charging. In addition, many people let the car warm up on the mobile charger, which has a negative effect on the charging speed during shorter charging sessions.
Battery capacity also plays a big role, but it is relative and it is important to keep an eye on it. It does not so much relate to the absolute range, but rather to the total range. In other words: a small battery pack and a large battery pack can both get an extra 100 kilometers of range in a short time, but with the smaller pack this translates to a much higher percentage than with a heavy battery pack.
Therefore, keep an eye on how many kilometers need to be charged and ignore the battery percentage when using a mobile charger during shorter charging sessions, especially since these charging products are not designed for that. Since it is an ideal or necessary solution in some cases, we think it is important to pay attention to this.
Why is it claimed that you cannot charge optimally with a mobile charger?
Many people who claim that the mobile charger cannot provide an optimal solution have used an outdated mobile phone or connected the charger to an unsuitable socket or not placed on an empty group, which resulted in the charging speed being much too low.
Nowadays, much more is known about mobile chargers and it is easier to charge at a relatively high speed, including attention to safety while charging the electric car. However, it is important to use the right connections. A socket on an empty group is only the beginning. If the mobile charger is used as standard for home charging, we recommend having an electrician come by who can make a special connection to the fuse box, so that you can charge at least 7.4 kW. This makes optimal charging with a home charger perfectly possible.
Is this also the solution for home charging?
If you have the option to have a charging station installed, this is always preferable. This is mainly due to the fact that the charging stations are made for intensive use and are often equipped with considerably more features and functions. The charging station is also always professionally connected to the network and is not dependent on a socket that has to supply the correct power.
However, if you do not have the option to have a charging station installed , you can choose to use mobile chargers to charge at home as standard. In these cases, always choose a mobile charger with a wide range of charging voltage, overheating protection and the option to follow the charging session live remotely. Especially when you are not entirely sure or are just curious, the last feature is a useful addition.
When doing this, keep the following in mind: if you choose the right mobile charger right away, even if it costs you a few tens of euros extra, you will save money because your mobile home charger will not have to be replaced within a short period of time because you need a more powerful model or want to be able to see remotely how much power is currently being charged.
The best mobile chargers at competitive prices at
If you are looking for a high-quality mobile charger at a competitive price, you have come to the right place. We only have charging solutions from renowned brands, which always involve products with a CE mark so that you can be sure that you can charge safely and optimally. This applies not only to our mobile home chargers, but also to the charging stations and charging cables that you can find on our website.
Can't find the right mobile charger for your situation or do you have questions about one of the products in our range? Then you can always contact us. Our team will be happy to take a personal look with you, so that you too can soon charge your EV easily and safely.